
Revive & Refresh your Customer Service Skills with us

The My Grand Bahama Campaign, hosted by The Grand Bahama Port Authority, will be offering a Customer Service Training Session on September 25, 26 and 27.

Training Sessions will be conducted at 9:00 a.m., at 1:00 p.m. and at 5:30 p.m.

Join us as we revive & refresh your desire to improve customer service on Grand Bahama Island for residents & visitors. Remember that no matter who we are or where we work, “We are all in the service industry”!


Moderator - Trevor Simmons

11:05am | Laura O’Neal – Executive Coach & Trainer, Trainertainment

  • "To Do or Not To Do…Does Strategy Really Matter"

11:50 am | Shopping & Networking Snack Break

12:20pm | Henry L. Daniels – Executive Lead, Finance - G.E. Aviation & Digital Technology

  • "Building Success Through Synergy"

1:05pm | Shopping & Network Break

1:35pm | Arnaud Simeray – Vice President, Strategic Partnerships -  StoreFront,

  • "The Pop-Up Revolution"

2:45pm | Valdez K. Russell, Principal - VKR Insights

  • "Let’s Get Social -Social MediaThe New Branding & Marketing Giant"

3:35pm | Coffee Break 

3:50 p.m. | Nicole B. Colebrooke – Customer Relations Manager – GPBA Group

  • "Business Made Easy –Shared/Registered & Virtual Space Licensees"

4:25pm | Thank You & Wrap Up Remarks - Vote of Thanks - Derek Newbold

GBPA Licensees


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My Grand Bahama Customer Service Training Sessions

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The event will take place at the Canal House at Pelican Bay Resort. If you have any questions regarding the conference, feel free to contact us using the information below.

Canal House at Pelican Bay Resort,
Freeport, Grand Bahama